Proposed Actions
- skip introduction round → refer to discord channel #introductions
- focus online call mainly on presentations/talks and Q&A
- e.g. 2 x 30 min slot
- online call makes sense for this as most speaker don’t come from Munich
- record the call and put on YouTube for free content to build the brand
- format should be a structured call with Agenda announced in advance
- focus IRL meeting on personal interaction and mingling
- cut down official part (or remove at all)
- this also removes the weekly organizational overhead
- basically educational content in the calls; informal stuff and networking in the IRL meetings
- Use governance calls for governance matter → don’t hijack the weekly meeting
- short announcements, e.g. for open votes, are fine
- Keep weekly frequency
- Overall community appreciates the connecting on regular base with each other and keeping each up to date - especially likes the in-person component
- Different opinions on content preference (too technical, not deep enough, more Q&A, more discussions)
- Introduction rounds are too long / not well received → in discord
- Dao-related content to be covered in a seperate call → governance call

What is your main motivation joining the weekly calls?